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- Product sold with the guarantee of the manufacturer.
Customer Reviews
Most Helpful Customer Reviews
25 of 26 people found the following review helpful.Good price
By D. W. Chester
I bought this wheel for myself as I wanted one with a clutch. As another reviewer pointed out this is a bit odd with sequential gear shift but it does work. I have had this wheel quite a while now and it has never given me a moments trouble.I spent quite some time looking for a decent wheel. There don't seem to be many about these days and a couple of them are extremely expensive and I couldn't warrant spending £225 on a steering wheel for a computer game during a recession, so this one came in at the right price. Not cheap and cheerful, but a quality wheel and I think this is a great wheel for the price. The force feedback is excellent and the buttons and levers are strong and don't look or feel like they will break off like my last ones did! Note that we also have the cheaper Ferrari Experience rumble wheel which I bought for my son. I like them both, but the RGT is a better wheel with its force feedback making the most difference for me and it also feels more solid. I actually stopped using the clutch as it isn't really necessary in the games I have been playing but nice to have it available just in case.I have no hisitation in recommending this racing wheel.
5 of 5 people found the following review helpful.good when it works ...
By Mr. Tj Walsh
overall an excellent little wheel when it works , ffb it top notch in rfactor when used with real feel plugin and it really adds to the immersion within race sims , up until 5 minutes aga i was totally delighted with this wheel .. at a bargain price too !!HOWEVER ... and its a biggy ... the tiptronic gear up selector has now ceased working ( 8 weeks light use ) which renders the wheel useless (it has a gear stick but not much use as i race f1 sims where tiptronic essential ) , i am waiting to see if amazon can help we with a return as breaking after 8 weeks use ( no matter how cheap something is ) spoiled the experience for me ...buy the logitech and save yourself some hassle and gaming downtime... PS - Buy Rfactor ... best racing sim ever , £9 on amazon .. bargain :)
2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.Poor build quality
By Mr. N. T. Corbett
I bought this along with Codemasters F1 on the PC on release day.The steering wheel lasted about a month before the casing behind the wheel cracked and the sequential shifts stopped working. Not long after all of the buttons on the steering wheel stopped working.I work full time and have very little time for gaming, so I didn't use it intensively and had the FFB set to low.I guess you just get what you pay for. It's a cheaper steering wheel that isn't up to much abuse. Spend a bit more and get something durable.Meanwhile my Thrustmaster HOTAS flight sticks from 1995 continue to work :) Thrustmaster doesn't carry the same premium quality as it used to.
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