Who sells the cheapeston line Samsung NC110 10.1 inch Laptop - Black (Intel Atom N2600 1.6GHz, 1GB RAM, 320GB HDD, LAN, WLAN, Webcam, Windows 7 Starter)

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- Processor clock speed: 1600 MHz
- Processor family: Intel Atom
- Processor model: N2600
- Processor front side bus: 800 MHz
- L2 cache: 1 MB
Customer Reviews
Most Helpful Customer Reviews
212 of 213 people found the following review helpful.Best notebook I've owned
By mortoman
I'm writing this review in the hope that it helps you decidewhat to buy if you are looking for a low cost but what I regardfor the price as a high spec notebook.First thing I wanted to clear up is that the images Amazon haveassociated with this product are not of this product !!!This notebook DOES indeed have a HDMI port (and VGA) which is not shown !!I have tested the HDMI output and it does provide a nice facility towatch a movie on your HD TV. Tested iTunes, BBC iPlayer, etc, all workvery well (slight stutter in playback if you go HD on iPlayer but tbhSD is perfect on the units screen.OK so onto the build; quality is very good the keyboard alone is a bigwinner for me; it's an island keyboard meaning the spaces between thekeys have been increased to prevent you hitting two keys at the sametime (all you touch typists out there will love it).The screen is anti glare and diffused so you really can read wellin bright sunlight, (I tested this at home and you honestly can,think near Kindle quality).Performance: It uses the Intel Atom n2600 a dual core CPU which isoptimised for notebooks and this provides good all round performanceexecuting applications nicely (Office etc); it's not going to giveyou the cutting edge performance of a high spec laptop but that'snot what your buying a notebook for is it ? You should upgrade tothe 2GB RAM (as it's such a cheap option).Storage: SD card reader, 320GB HDD some space is eaten up by therubbish (and this is my only complaint) games and the obligatoryfluff that gets shipped with a new computer these days, just uninstallthis tripe, and free up the space.Connectivity: 3 x USB ports (1 also doubles as an ODD which lets youhook up a compatible Optical Disk Drive),the usual WiFi, Ethernet port,Bluetooth; WiFi range appears very good. I tested this again around thehouse and the signal remains strong (obviously this test is subjectiveas it will depend partly on your AP but compared to some of my other kitthe signal was good in all areas).So all in all I have no issues at all with this notebook, as said it'snot going to let you perform massive algorithmic intense simulations orrun the companies DBMS but if you want something that lets you prepare presentations on the train / plane, type documentation, surf all day(8 hours)and watch movies etc when you're trapped in that crappy hotelthe company booked you into all without breaking your shoulder dragginga great slab of a machine around, then you can't go wrong with this device.Hope this helps you decide.
58 of 58 people found the following review helpful.Excellent netbook, excellent price, why haven't you bought this yet?
By Mr. Jones
When my old laptop failed and I was forced to buy a new one before starting university 5 days ago, I had only £240. I immediately went on the hunt for a decent LAPTOP, but found that such a hunt was fruitless, so I turned to NETBOOKS. I mean, considering I only want it for streaming video, browsing the internet and writing Word documents, it's perfect.Firstly, this netbook has SUPERB battery life (depending on your screen brightness.) Even on 'high' it manages about 6 hours. It also has excellent performance, however you WILL DEFINITELY want to buy a 2GB RAM stick for this device to replace its original 1GB. With this in, it really speeds along; DO NOT BUY MORE THAN 2GB BECAUSE THE MOTHERBOARD IS ONLY DESIGNED FOR 2GB MAXIMUM! DON'T be put off by that sounding like a technical job, just remove the battery and then A.) unscrew flap B.) eject old RAM C.) click new RAM into place D.) screw flap back on. - A monkey could do it!IF you buy this netbook, PLEASE don't be put off by its initial slow-start up, this is completely normal. Another thing I'll say is that, as a netbook, the device is designed primarily to be set to 'sleep' mode anyway, rather than be 'shut down'. - This enables a near-instant 'wake up' upon your return to work/play and really means you can do anything, any time. - Oh the joys of portability!The keyboard is fantastic. Having never owned a netbook before, I was a little skeptical that the keys would be too small for my fingers, but after about 10 minutes, I was touch-typing away like it was my old laptop. Samsung have helpfully kept important keys such as 'enter', 'shift', 'backspace' and 'ctrl' large to help with this and the keyboard has excellent key springs to ensure you're never in doubt as to whether you've pressed a button or not.There is a MINOR down-side (and this is me REALLY looking for a down-side) to this device and, as usual, has NOTHING to do with the physical components of the device, it's all to do with the PRE-INSTALLED SOFTWARE. - Just make sure you uninstall all the rubbish that's put on as well as anything else you don't think you'll need that Samsung have added and you'll have one speedy netbook. However having said that, pre-installed software means the device costs less... so a necessary evil, perhaps!I really hope this review was helpful and I also hope it encourages you to buy this device, it's truly excellent (and stylish!)P.S Here's the link to the RAM I bought from Amazon: http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B002ZME33Q/ref=oh_details_o00_s00_i00
69 of 71 people found the following review helpful.Zimano
By Zim
I'm not good at reviews so here is a list of things about this Netbook that may help:*Samsung NCC110P version of this Netbook - as far as I can tell the P version is the one with the Atom Cedar Trail N2600.*Even though it doesn't mention it on the Amazon webpage this does come with HDMI out.*Memory upgradable via a trapdoor expansion slot opened using a small philips style cross headed screwdriver (I personally went with 2gb memory part CT25664BC1339), from what I gather 2GB is the most amount of memory the cpu supports. For any other old gits out there, changing the memory exactly the same way you would change some 72pin memory back in the days of the 486 and on an Amiga A1200 trapdoor expansion card, very simple indeed.*The screen has an antiglare coating that does affect the brightness of the screen but is a small price to pay for no reflections. For reference it's as strong as the coating on a Dell U2410 monitor. For Glossy lovers check out the Acer models based on this same cpu.*Currently no hardware accelleration for adobe flash, waiting for them to release an update so it supports the N2600 cpu (hopefully this wont be too long.) In a nutshell this means smooth HD content via Youtube etc is currently a no go. You can download (using downloadhelper for example) this content and play back using the likes of Media Player Classic fine though. This not a problem with the unit, just Adobe being lame.I bought this unit personally for emulators when I'm off on crappy long car journeys (Spectaculator, Mame, Winuae and Dosbox all work fine) and for my mrs to watch itv player, bbc iplayer, 4od, demand 5 and lovefilm. Lovely bonus being able to watch these on a big screen aswell (both VGA and HDMI output will allow 1920x1080 resolution via the tv).Hope this helps someone, really can't fault the unit at all :)
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