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Customer Reviews
Most Helpful Customer Reviews
69 of 70 people found the following review helpful.Fantastic monitor, even though I did buy it by accident.
By A. Stasiak
As the title said, I bought this monitor by mistake. I had intended to buy a more expensive Dell monitor, but since I was trying to do 3 things at once whilst ordering, I clearly purchased the wrong monitor Obviously men cant multitask but on this rare occasion it acctually worked out quite well for me.Firstly, I use my monitor/computer for all the standard stuff, work, web etc but I'm also and avid gamer and I like to sit and watch movies on my PC if my wifes hogging the TV whilst X-Factor or Next Top model is on, so I needed something that was going to suit all these needs. My last monitor was a widescreen Belina affair that, after 5 years of faithfull service decided to give up and die on me. Not bad considering I'm one of those people who dosent turn off his computer ever.I recall I originally skipped over this monitor because of it's 1366 x 768 resolution. I honestly didnt think it would be any good, especially since my last monitor was 1440x900 and in effect it would be a downgrade in quality of picture. Eitherway, somehow I placed it in my shopping basket over my original.Rather than return it, I thought I'd give it a ago and boy am I glad I did. Whilst the resolution is slightly lower than my last monitor, the Dynamic display system acctually improves overall quality. Gameplay (I'm a big fan of Team Fortress 2, CoD and Battlefield games) is as good as it's allways been and there is nothing noticible about graphics that I would call derogatory in comparison to my last monitor. My only concern was if games acctually supported the resolution but I've had no problems with any. They all work fine.The only place I've noticed any diffrence is in video playback. When watching a whidescreen movie on my 1440x900 monitor, I'd still end up with the "letterbox" effect. Thats gone with this monitor which I suspect is down to nothing more than the resolution being more suitable to widescreen movie playback.The acctual design of the monitor is great. There are no buttons at all. All adjustments are done by touchsensitive plate at the bottom of the monitor. This even has the added bonous of making the monitor slightly easier to clean since there are no "hard to reach" places when cleaning.I'd give this monitor 6 out of 5 if I could and I'd recommend it to anyone looking for a new 19" monitor. If you want bigger...well I think I'll be sticking with Samsung from now on!
99 of 104 people found the following review helpful.Good clear monitor but watch out for the screen resolution
By Robin Moore
I purchased the monitor because it was a recommended purchase from Amazon in the computer computer section of the UK website. The short of it is "it should not be recommended for user other than home-only usage".The screen is best for watching video from You tube. If you plan to use the monitor for work then look to someone like Acer, LG, HP or Dell - the screen is widescreen and as a result doesn't have many pixels in the vertical plane (768 pixels when you should seek a minimim of 1024 pixels) .... it is a little like looking through a letter box.The screen looks really good > the shiny black looks great and the imagery is sharp. It installed really easily on Windows XP.I am a big Samsung fan so the monitor wins on aesthetics but - after I purchased the monitor - I was disappointed by the pixel ratio especially when I saw I could get more pixels for my money from like monitor providers like Acer and Dell. My fault > I should have checked the aspect ratio on the 19" monitor... again it is widescreen not a normal, business ratio.
7 of 7 people found the following review helpful.Samsung B1930 19" Wide Screen
By A. W. Myatt
I received this Screen very quickly with in 2 days of ordering it with free delivery!The screen is very good it is a touch on /off. The colour is very vivid on the screen too I can recommend this to any body who is thinking of buying another screen, the wide screen is a nice feature too.Good value for the money!!
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