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Customer Reviews
Most Helpful Customer Reviews
28 of 28 people found the following review helpful.Simple to Use
By Dave S
I have already bought this product 6 months months ago and recently purchased this via Amazon for my father aged 76. I like this product because of its simplicity and ease of use. Prior to this I had a Samsung which was more complex and not as good.This just does exactly what you want it too, easy recording and watching. Brilliant. I rate this 10/10 and so does my father who now enjoys this product with ease. No more keying in numbers (his old product)-just switch on, go to 7 day guide, select programme, press record and switch product off. Device will switch it self back on when TV/Film programme is about to start and switch it self off when complete. Tapes all programme no missing last 5 minutes.160GB is enough unless you want to tape more than 40 films, but we just record, watch and delete when seen. Disk space is sufficient for majority of people, however go for larger size if your a film and TV addict.
26 of 26 people found the following review helpful.Great for the money.
Bought this for my nephew. Can record freeview/ pause live tv/store & play all mp3's and plays DivX dvd rips ( not DivX HD bluray rips). Upscaled picture quality is excellent also.Seen the comments regarding subtitles: Turn them off in the default settings otherwise the unit comes set to auto on as default.Definately recommend to anyone on a budget.
123 of 126 people found the following review helpful.Very nice unit but fiddly remote
By C. Gravell
Purchased two weeks ago and have put it through it's paces somewhat.The unit looks the business with a nice clean front panel. Basic controls are hidden behind a drop down panel.Just one oddity... the open/close drawer button is at the other end to the drawer itself, while the power button is above it.Recording to HDD seems to work very well and, unlike my previous Panasonic disc-based recorder, appears to adapt to slight schedule changes - grabbed all of MOTD last night despite it being delayed by Proms coverage.Series recording is possible and it's recorded Mock The Week for me twice, once again adapting to a schedule change.Odd thing... if you watch through the unit as it's recording, the subtitles appear on-screen though they don't appear when you watch the recording back unless you turn them on.Have tried quite a few xvid/divx data discs & normal DVDs and have had no problems; no stuttering, skipping or decoding artefacts. Picture looks very nice to me through my 32" LG flatscreen, which the remote also operates basic functions of.The remote has comprehensive controls but is a little fiddly - small buttons and tiny labelling - but nonetheless will become intuitive after a short time.Overall I am happy with the purchase.Excellent value for money.
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