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- Top of the range 11" Macbook Air with i7 processor option and larger SSD
- A sturdy aluminium unibody design makes MacBook Air sleek, durable and ready for anything
- Warranty until May 2013
- Mountain Lion 10.8 installed
- high speed Thunderbolt
Customer Reviews
Most Helpful Customer Reviews
41 of 44 people found the following review helpful.First Mac... but will not be my last!!
By Smithy
I am not going to go into any technical details as there are a whole host of reviews that can be uncovered by a simple google search, instead I want to concentrate more on the "feel" of the AirFirst impressions are... wow. I had tested one in the Apple store several times, but it is hard to appreciate its size and portability until you own one. I seem to find myself randomly picking it u just to spin it round and marvel at it's size and weight. If any thing it is a little too portable, I took it out for the first time on Thursday, and couldn't even tell it was in my bag. So much so that my paranoia of protecting my shiny new toy kicked in and I found myself opening my bag every five minutes to check I had not been pick pocketed. Hopefully this paranoia will wear off after a few weeks.Aa a previous Windows fan and Windows 7 user I was a little sceptical about swithching to a mac and not too sure how hard it would be to adapt to using a new operating system. A few days of messing around have proved my fears were unjustified and I have actually enjoyed and still am enjoying the learning curve, infact after only two days of using my Macbook Air I logged back onto my Windows PC and found that I kept trying to use multi-touch which is a part of the new Lion OS.The model I purchased was the upgraded 1.8Ghz i7 with a 128Gb Hard drive and 4Gb Ram, and compared to my 2 year old 2.13 Ghz dual core Windows laptop this feels a lot faster and more polished. The size of the hard drive was a concern coming from a larger 3.5 inch SATA styl hard drive, however this is easily remedied by keeping most of my videos and music on a small and inexpensive (£80 for 1Tb) external hard drive.The only issue I have encountered so far is moving my music collections into i-tunes, however this is only because I was stupid enough to have ripped my entire CD collection originally using WMA lossless which has DRM copyright protection in place so it cannot be converted or transferred.I still have nothing ut positives for the new Air, and I think I will have no issues with it becoming my sole PC. There have been two commen issues raised on forums and in reviews, firstly some people have stated that the fans are really noisy, so far I have not had an issue with this, and when running alongside my laptop with the same programs running it is actually a lot quieter. The second concern people have raised is the issue of overheating, as I am typing this with the Mac Air on my lap it is slightly warm to the touch, but no more so than any other electrical device I have used and it has only ever gotten hot under prolonged use like running Football Manager 2011 for hours.I could not recommend this highly enough as long as you are sure that an 11' laptop is the right choice for you, if you are considering purchasing one then please feel free to post any comments and I will get back to you.
4 of 4 people found the following review helpful.Loadsamoney
By Joe Grass
It might be expensive, but the Macbook Air is an amazing piece of kit. I bought one a month ago to replace my 2008 Macbook and Samsung NC10, with the intention of installing both Lion and Windows 7. After partitioning the 128GB SSD and installing both operating systems, with a shared 30GB FAT32 which is accessible from both, I am pleased to report that the 11" Air not surprisingly easily out-performs not just the laptops it replaced, but also my desktop PC in my home office.On the OS X side I generally use it for software development using XCode, and in Windows I use it for C# .NET, some other dev tools, VMware vCenter and Handbrake. The i5 processor and SSD ensures that there's no peformance lags no matter what I'm doing (even in Windows), the touchpad is huge & so responsive and the keyboard allows me to type flat out with none of the usual frustration that comes from flexing keyboards and badly spaced keys.I quickly added an Apple HDMI adapter and a cheap USB Ethernet adapter just in case - it might only have one USB on each side but my Samsung BD-ROM works fine without the second USB cable connected. After using a cheap case from PC World for a couple of weeks I have wrapped it in a fairly nice Casecrown faux leather folio-style case.So why only 4 stars? Well, the battery life is nothing like the 5-6 hours I used to get from my NC10. I would also like an SD slot and also another USB port would be nice. All that said, the good comfortably outweighs the bad.As for the iPad vs MBA debate, even though the form-factor is similar I have both and use both, often in different ways and often to do similar things. My iPad still gets loads of use every day - being able to hold it in one hand and operate it with the other makes the iPad much more convenient in many situations. The battery takes ages to run down and for things like TV Catchup and Sky Go, and even reading PDF reference books while using the MBA makes the iPad the perfect companion for my laptop.
34 of 38 people found the following review helpful.This is the future of laptops
By Mike Hunt
I love the solid state (flash) memory on this machine. Everything is so fast. Make sure you buy Apple Care - it's worth it.Be careful when using it in public. It is attractive to thieves and muggers.You may be interested to know that Adobe Flash isn't pre-installed on the MacBook Air now. I'd advise against it - it's a huge battery and resource hog. You can use Chrome, which has Flash built-in and auto-updates. For things like YouTube, there are some excellent apps like Minitube, which allow H264 playback, which works like a dream.I had expected only 2GB of RAM to feel rather anemic. It super-snappy, I'm delighted.
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